Saturday, February 23, 2008

Re: Why I Don't Hate Britney Spears

This post is in response to sara's post concerning the controversy surrounding britney spears' influence on the female youth. i completely support sara's post, especially when it comes to the belief that it is the responsibility of the parents to provide a good understanding of sexual relations to their children. you can blame celebrities and hollywood all you want, but it will do nothing to dissuade the marketing trend "sex sells." unless you plan on raising your kids in a bubble, they will inevitably be exposed to such things as sex and violence - however a good upbringing will allow the young individual to evaluate between wrong and right. as much as the media is intertwined with our daily lives, it is wise to take everything you see "with a grain of salt" - if hollywood is intended to be a role model for society, we have a very bleak future.

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