Friday, April 25, 2008

I Miss My Dog

I guess the old adage is true...time flies when you're having fun. The year is quickly coming to a close, and there's nothing I'm looking forward to seeing more dog. I will confess my undying love for my puppy, Aiden, in this post. Throughout my lifetime, I've went through my phases of pets...several fish, a (really cool) cat, an iguana, and last, but definitely not least, a dog. Each pet definitely had its own unique quality - except fish, I think fish are most pointless and stupid pets ever. Ultimately, I really do believe dogs are the best companions, both mentally and physically. In raising a puppy, you have to learn responsibility, they keep you active, and of course, the unconditional love doesn't hurt (and they're much less of an investment than actual children!) Every time I see one of those seeing eye dogs around campus, I get really excited...hopefully in the near future I'll get off-campus and bring Aiden up to Ithaca. She's half German Shepherd, so I think she'd be good for fending off any of the creepers which seem to wandering Ithaca...

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