Saturday, April 12, 2008

Re: Public Safety Comment

This is in response to Chris' post about public safety and SASP on our campus. Although they are a necessarily evil of campus administration, I can't say I've had one positive experience with them throughout this entire year. I can relate to Chris' comment on public safety and SASP riding kids unnecessarily hard. Last semester, it seemed someone would knock on my door to complain about noise every other night. I think most students have gathered enough common sense by now to know how to be respectful living in a dormitory - but it's true, we're still kids and we still want to be able to have fun in our pseudo-homes. I can also attest to the notion that SASP works with the worst intentions - not necessarily just to regulate a respectful environment oncampus, but moreso to screw kids over and get them in trouble. The SASParilla (it sounds like a disease) needs to lighten up!

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