Monday, March 31, 2008

A Dismal State of Affairs in Baghdad

I have been surprised by the decline in media coverage of the ongoing operations in Iraq...BBC news published an article the other day speaking briefly upon the state of affairs in Iraq's capital, Baghdad. A curfew has been enforced upon the city, carefully scrutinizing every incoming/outgoing vehicle, in hopes of disbanding insurgent militants. Troubling footage was released by American military, which showed Iraqi-militia men on the move being killed by a missile released from an Apache attack helicopter. Now I know the situation in Iraq is very volatile at the moment, and drastic times call for drastic measures - but is this really moral? Military casualties continues to fluctuate within the hundreds, a disturbing statistic. These harsh restrictions have affected civilian life in Baghdad immensely, making basic food supplies scarcer and harder to obtain as these curfews remain extended. Inflation has caused prices of food to skyrocket as well, making basic supplies like kerosene, bread, and chicken more difficult to obtain. Electric power outages are frequent as well...reading this article made me wonder what our goal was/is in the Middle East. I hope the next presidential candidate will be able to handle these issues more efficiently...

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