Saturday, March 22, 2008

Re: "When Monogamy Becomes Monotony"

This is in response to Liza's post about the emergence of a website called An astounding 2 million people have signed up with the company in order to engage in "extramarital affairs" - yes, these individuals are married, and seeking 'other' partners on the side. When I was 16 my parents ended up separating after my mother caught my father cheating, and consequently i've been raised with the very firm belief that a true relationship is founded on loyalty and trust, two key principles which seem to grow less and less important in today's society. It would probably be the worst feeling in the world, to hypothetically use your potential spouse's computer one day, and stumble upon his/her ashleymadison profile. My husband would probably need to file a restraining order for the things I would do to him if that ever happened to me. This ties in rather closely with the topic for my argument of definition paper, defining sex in today's society. Exemplified through events like the Spitzer scandal, it worries me to think of where our society's moral integrity is headed.

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