Monday, March 31, 2008

A Visit to the Doctor

I wanted to take some time to reflect upon the article we read in class the other day about evolving attitudes within the doctor's office. I agree with the article's message completely, having experienced the seemingly brief in-and-out examinations myself. Notably, a couple years ago during my junior year of high school, during a game of lacrosse I managed to break a couple of bones in my right hand. It wasn't the worst injury possible, but I can assure you the experience was not fun. Following several x-rays and being poked and prodded a bit, my doctor verified the damage and...told me to go home and keep it iced and elevated. Thank you, Captain Obvious. Following such outstanding advice, I could not help but wonder just how much this guy was getting paid on my (or my parental units') behalf. Health insurance is one of the biggest issues in our country I can't help but emphasize this line, "There are a lot of doctors in town. There's no need to settle for one that doesn't treat you well."

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