Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I recently read this article originally posted by the Los Angeles basically explained how the Federal Flood Control has designed simulated floods through the Grand Canyon. When I first saw this headline on CNN, I was pretty startled. There has been plenty of research to back up the fact that these "floods," which at peak volume reaches 41,500 cubic feet per second, will destroy a substantial amount of the natural bottom wildlife and ecology. Park officials have suggested that these floods are timed appropriately with demands for electric power, which would be generated by the hydroelectric turbines. This article really bothered me, because I've noticed recently a grisly clash with the evolution of our society and the natural world, from shopping malls to traffic jams. Even though we've seen an increased recognition of sustainability within the past 2 or 3 years, I don't know if it's enough. With our administration allowing such procedures as this, purely motivated by the desire to cut costs, it really makes me wonder what's in store for us within the next 20 years. Americans are notorious for being the greatest consumers, but how long can this trend hold up?

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