Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where is our tuition going?

In a recent conversation with my dad, I was informed that Ithaca's tuition will increase some 3-5% next year. Our tuition today stands at about $28,670, coming to about $995 per credit. (HOLY EXPLETIVE!) This number doesn't take into account the $10,000 some-odd dollars for living on-campus and enjoying the wonderful meals in the dining hall...haha just kidding. There are a number of things I could pick out, but there are a lot more important things that could be improved on - accommodating parking, for example. I'm sure many of us this semester have experienced the dreadful freshman parking lot, which not only destroys your tires with its unpaved-ness, but it is also more and more difficult to find a spot that is not on the entire other side of campus. Wi-Fi has also been a major concern of students, and word on the street is that IC administration is "workin on it..." Okay, you managed to get the business school up and running in about 12-16 months, but you can't implement a wireless network? Unless you professors are making bank on us, I really wonder where all of our tuition is going. Although I hate making comparisons like this, my friend pointed out that Cornell's tuition is actually less than ours. Part of me would not like to believe the rumors that we are building a new athletic center, as well as a "gateway" building representing the office of admissions. Are you kidding me?? I'll probably get a lot of heat for saying this...but I don't understand why we're trying to emphasize athletics so much, when we're a Division III school. I just feel like there are a lot more beneficial ways our money could be utilized.

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